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Santiago's Conquest : A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance Read online

Page 10

  “My fingers are not enough, querida?” he asks, once again removing them, and I groan in protest as the emptiness overtakes me, only for it to transform into a moan when he thrusts his tongue in again repeatedly, diving deeper each time.

  He presses his thumb against my clit, and I gasp, holding him even closer as he continues to feast on my flesh, my pussy slowly clenching around his tongue.

  My skin becomes taut, my breathing raspy. I gulp for breath over and over again each time he flicks my flesh and sends scorching heat through me; goose bumps spread over me in waves, tickling my skin, and I bite on my lip, pleasure becoming almost unbearable, making me fly higher and higher ready to erupt.

  Just a little bit more and…

  “No, no, no!” I scream when he rips it away again. But this time three of his fingers enter me while he licks over my flesh, soothing it with his touch.

  My eyes close again, and my hand shifts to his neck where I dig my fingers into his skin, enjoying his hiss against my core. I grind on him and lift my hips slowly, meeting his rhythm that is driving me toward the desire in the distance that promises me endless bliss.

  Only for it to fade away once again when he changes tactics, flipping places with his tongue.

  He plays with me over and over again, torturing my flesh as if it’s his personal toy, dangling pleasure in front of my nose, only to deprive me of it later while my body whirls underneath him, begging him to take mercy on me and give me what I seek.

  Each bite, lick, stab only heightens the need and does nothing to soothe it.

  I almost succumb to this endless suffering when his mouth is gone and my eyes snap open. I see him looming above me again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his sapphire orbs blazing with desire so strong the breath hitches in my throat.

  “I could taste you for hours, querida, but the first time this pretty pussy comes will be around my dick and not my tongue.”

  Oh my God.

  Yes, please!

  I see him remove a condom from his back pocket. He rips it with his teeth and then wraps it over his hard length. He must have opened his zipper while feasting on me.

  My pussy clenches at the idea of it inside me, and he chuckles, circling his cock and running his hand over it. I lick my lips, wondering how he tastes. He leans forward, placing one hand on the side of my head, and I can smell my scent on him.

  Despite the need and desire driving my every thought, my cheeks heat up again, and he nips on my chin. “Greedy, greedy girl.” His mouth travels to my lips, tracing his tongue over them. “You can suck my cock next time.”

  I’m too far gone to care about such implications, because there will be no next time.

  This is madness, where sense doesn't exist, but it won’t happen again.

  So with this thought in mind, I wrap my legs around him, pushing us closer and, common decency be damned, whisper, “Please fuck me, Santiago.” His other hand squeezes my hip, his fingers digging deep into my skin, showing me a sense of possession I’ve never known before, and I moan when the crown of his cock taps against my clit, sliding over my lips and dipping just the tip inside, giving me a hint of what might come. “Please.”

  “No need to fucking beg, querida.” And he slams into me with a powerful thrust, stretching me tightly around his long, thick length. A cry slips past my lips, reverberating around the room. “Ahora eres mia.”

  Now you’re mine.

  I don’t have time to focus on the words as he pulls back then drives back inside, the motion pushing us and the table across the floor. Catching my gasp with his mouth, he gives me a deep kiss while he continues to plant himself deep inside me, electrifying the energy around us, nipping on our skin and only adding to the fire consuming us both.

  Everything around me and in me is so hot I’m afraid nothing will ever cool me, leaving me hovering over endless bliss but never quite reaching it.

  Wrapping my thighs around him tighter, I circle his neck, dragging him so close I feel his chest brush over my pointed nipples that, despite the cloth covering them, are so sensitive.

  Desire holds us prisoner, enveloping us in a protective cocoon where pleasure lives as he continues to fuck me so hard and thoroughly I know I won’t ever be able to forget it.

  Each jerk of his hips, the flicks of his tongue, his muscled body weighing on me, push me closer and closer to the edge, sending thrills through my bones, ready to break apart as long as he’s the one doing it.

  He gives me passion I’ve never known before, and my body is already addicted to it, afraid he might leave without satisfying it.

  When my lungs start to burn from lack of oxygen, he lets go, and I gulp for breath while mixing it with groans when he pushes my hands away, placing them above my head. He starts burying himself deeper into me, his hips speeding up, the slapping sound filling the air as the heat between us grows and grows.

  Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

  Each time, my pussy clenches around him, tighter and tighter, until finally everything inside me snaps, silence settling above me before all-consuming pleasure fills my every bone, gliding over my skin and head, sending thousands of waves over and over again as I struggle to breathe.

  Arching my neck, I open my mouth wide to catch air as I feed on the bliss wrapping me in its arms while he continues to slam into me faster and faster, seeking his release, and I gladly let him use me as he sees fit.

  He clamps his mouth on the spot between my neck and shoulder, sucking on the skin, and ripples of pleasure continue to travel through my system as he growls against me, stilling inside me with his length still stretching me.

  Without thinking, I hug him close to me, enjoying his mouth on my flesh while trying to soak up this moment as much as I can, because it’s the best sexual experience I’ve ever had.

  And only then, the horrifying reality of what I’ve done dawns on me.


  Breathing heavily into her neck, I press myself farther into her, and her thighs squeeze me hard, her nails scraping my shirt while her dress skirts around my arms. My hands glide up and down the smooth skin of her hips, her pussy spasming around me one more time before she gasps in my ear, the sound and tension filling her body alerting me that the fog of lust has cleared and she has her senses back.

  And with the fucking resistance neither of us likes, but she for some reason insists on having.

  She pulls her hands back to herself before pushing me hard, ordering with her trembling voice, “Let go of me.”

  I do as she says instantly, stepping away and sliding out of her to both of our groans and tuck myself inside after removing the condom and throwing it in the trash bin. I zip my pants while she adjusts her dress and jumps to the floor, threading her fingers through her hair.

  Useless job, as I fisted it so hard no one will have doubts she was properly debauched in the library like a good girl. Besides, even if she manages to fix her hair, she won’t be able to wipe away the hickeys gracing her neck and upper shoulders, the angry red bite marks stamping my ownership over her delectable body.

  A smile tips my mouth; satisfaction along with unfamiliar possessiveness rushes through my veins at the prospect of other men seeing her in this condition and knowing she belongs to someone.

  Belongs to me.

  As long as we participate in this twisted and dark game of mine, Briseis is mine and only mine, and if there ever be a fool to stand in my way and try to claim what already belongs to me…

  Well, he can send God and the devil my regards, because he will sign himself a death warrant.

  “This shouldn’t have happened. It was a mistake,” she whispers before grabbing her stuff and darting toward the entrance, her bare feet soundless on the carpet while she makes her hasty retreat, leaving the scent of her lavender perfume floating in the air.

  Her husky voice blankets my dick and jerks it to attention, the beast inside me wanting to run after her and catch her before she can escape and then fuck her hard
on the floor, so she learns to never leave me.

  My beautiful, artistic Briseis can get me going by her voice alone and make me forget all about my plan.

  Dangerous, so dangerous, because the plan should always come first.

  Briseis is nothing but a conquest to achieve my goal, a very tempting and seductive, passionate conquest the rider seeks… whose eyes have the power to haunt me whenever I close mine, their expression luring me toward her with the deep need to soothe.

  My father loves my mother like a madman. He saw her and knew she would be his. Despite her stubborn resistances, with time, she accepted his obsession and sort of fell in love with him too. He left her no choice, because he would have never allowed her to divorce him.

  I might not share a lot of characteristics with my father, but I am his son.

  I will love to the point of insanity, in more obsessive ways than my parents. If I ever let myself care for a woman, she will be the center of my dark universe where without her, life will be meaningless.

  However, love, affection, and even attachment are things I can’t afford in this life, because they are weaknesses.

  Weaknesses her fucking father taught me to never indulge in, for they are the first things to be used against you should anything happen.

  Therefore, I’ll quash any growing emotions that have no place and show my cruel nature to her, so she won’t let herself love me either.

  And to achieve that?

  I have to do something unforgivable.

  Chapter Eight

  “I was created in an illicit affair...”


  From Flora’s Diaries

  10 February

  I accepted Howard back.

  He told me so many stories about his marriage. Just by this alone, I hated his wife for being so cold toward him when all he ever wanted was some love from all the women in his life. He stayed only for his daughters, who he loves with all his heart.

  He promised me he would divorce her, and we’d be together once Clare signed the paper.

  He even showed me pictures of the house he bought for us.

  I believed it, forgiving us for not having the perfect love out of fairy tales. Probably no one experiences something like that anyway.

  We decided to tell Dad about our relationship soon, and then he’d whisk me away from here.

  I lived in illicit bliss on borrowed time, waiting for the reality to sneak up on me and show me the clock stopped ticking, and I should pay up.

  And today, it finally did, and all the tears I’ve shed ever since have no power to wash away this cruel reality.

  My father recently invested money in an important company and merger. Somehow, the man who owns it convinced Dad it’d be a good idea, and Dad invited him over for dinner.

  He told me to wear something nice and I did, used to entertaining his friends who barely paid me any attention.

  This one though…

  All he did was stare at me the minute he entered the hall, his eyes almost reptile-like, sweeping over me with interest and… such harsh focus I shivered inwardly from disgust.

  While Dad gushed to him about how much money he was getting from the investment and how he wanted to extend the partnership to something else, the man looked at me, chewing on his food, his eyes following my every move. I almost felt naked under his gaze, desperately wanting to run away from it and take a long shower to wash all traces of it from my skin.

  When the dessert arrived, I got up from my seat and said to my dad, “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go to sleep.” I was ready to bolt, only to stop abruptly when Dad shook his head.

  “I promised our guest you’d show him the garden’s secluded area. Andreas plans to build a greenhouse on his territory, somewhere it doesn’t get in the way of people.” He smiled at the man who barely spared him a glance before flicking his orbs back on me, sipping his wine slowly. “I have a business call in a few minutes, so I hope you don’t mind if Flora shows you around. We can discuss designs later tomorrow.” The man nodded, and Dad grinned. “Great. Honey, please show it to him, and then you can go sleep.”

  Everything in me screamed to refuse, but instead, I walked silently with him toward the garden, and once we were outside, I started, “This garden is—”

  “I don’t care about the garden, Flora.” His voice had an ice-cold effect, the chilliness of it breaking goose bumps on my skin. “All I want is you.” With this, he wrapped his hand around me and pulled me roughly to his chest, clasping his hand over my mouth as I screamed my lungs out although only muffled sounds erupted, and he dragged me toward the nearest wall.

  My back hit the brick so hard I groaned in pain while trying to push him away from me, but he didn’t even budge, whispering, “I had to wait ages for him to fall in love, and this time around, I won’t make any mistakes. This time, I’ll destroy him.” I didn’t understand any of his words; they didn’t make sense. Who was he anyway?

  For a second, his hand slipped from my mouth, and I shouted, “Help! Please, someone help me!” And he put his mouth on mine, harshly biting on my lips and drawing blood. I still did my best to hit his chest, only for him to rip the front of my dress, the tearing sound enveloping me in even more fear, signaling the impending doom if I didn’t do something, yet what could I have possibly done?

  My strength was not enough to defend myself from his assault when he lowered the zipper of his pants, hiked my dress, and raped me right there, ignoring my cries while all my body was in so much pain I couldn’t focus on one source of it.

  My throat burned, constant shouts tore from it trapped by his palm, and he continued to hurt me all while grinning so widely I wondered if he was human or a demon sent to earth to destroy innocent souls.

  My nails dug into his skin, scratching him, and hoping at least some of the discomfort would stop his actions, but nothing did.

  Until finally he groaned above me and stepped back. I dropped on the ground, sobs shaking my entire being while the semen between my thighs continue to leak, informing me he didn’t even use a condom.

  I trembled all over, the ringing in my ears so loud I covered them while screaming, “Help!” Only to realize my voice had become hoarse and barely audible in the night.

  Andreas adjusted his clothes, his voice penetrating through the fog of agony that shook my entire body. “Sweet as the fucking blooming roses you are, Flora. Very suiting name.” He crouched in front of me, fisted my hair, and tilted it back while tears streamed down my cheeks, and I spit on his face.

  He winced and then slapped me so hard on the cheek that my head snapped to the side and I could barely move my jaw. He clacked his tongue, “See what you made me do?” He rubbed the spot and fisted my hair harder. “Give Howard my regards. He’ll know what I mean.”

  “Help!” I tried to scream again, wanting nothing else but to put this man behind bars, because my father would always protect me. He wouldn’t stand by it for any stupid deals.

  Everything happened so fast I still hoped I was trapped in a nightmare and would wake up any minute.

  Andreas’s laughter echoed in the night instead while he shook his head, amusement flickering in his eyes. “Careful, honey. If you open your mouth, your daddy will lose all his assets.” I stilled, trying in my state to comprehend what he was saying. Dad invested everything? “His weak heart won’t survive it, right, love? He already had one heart attack two years ago. Do you want to be the cause of another?” He bit on my cheek, and revulsion rushed through me, my gag reflex kicking in, and I vomited on the ground. “On this note, I will take my leave.” He threw a handkerchief to me. “Be a good girl, Flora, and keep your mouth shut. Your father won’t lose anything, and you won’t see me again.” I raised my eyes to him. The moonlight streaming behind him almost made it seem as if he existed in the shadows, the depraved energy swirling around us. He winked. “Unless you’re pregnant. Then, my darling, I’ll take my baby and leave you for Howard. If he wants you after that.”
With that, he walked off, seemingly uncaring about what he had done to me.

  In a trance after his actions and words, with my body reminding me of his violation with each hurt, I held the torn dress to my chest, going to my room numbly, my shoes left in the garden.

  If I encountered anyone on my way, I didn’t notice them or care for that matter.

  When I entered my room, I went straight to the shower, sat on the floor while the water cascaded down on me, soaking me and the dress, as sobs bounced off the walls.

  I wished for the water to clean me from his touches, to wipe away the horrible encounter that forever changed my life, to remove his smell from me, but when I closed my eyes, his scent and words were the ones appearing in front of me.

  I scrubbed myself raw till blood appeared on my puckered skin, then wrapped a towel around me, sitting by my usual chair to write this entry in my diary.

  Because only my diary can know about it.

  Father won’t survive such a blow, and his weak heart might give up. How will I ever forgive myself for it?

  I need to call Howard.

  He will know what to do about this and probably take me away. His arms are the only ones that can give me solace in this nightmare.

  Maybe they can give me the reprieve from Andreas’s words about the baby, his baby inside me too.

  I will pray every single day of my life it won’t come true.

  I’d rather die than have his child.
